Program Description
Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology is a four year program consisting of general education subjects and professional subjects. The fourth year level is the internship program of 1 year in an accredited training laboratory with rotational duties in different sections such as Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Microbiology(Blood Banking), Immunology and Serology, Urinalysis and other Body Fluids (Clinical Microscopy), Parasitology, Histopathology/Cytologic techniques and other emergent technologies.
To form and empower future Vincentian Medical Technologist who are socially-conscious, competent and responsive to the needs of society.
We envision USI-College of Medical Technology to be the Lead School of Christ-centered, inner directed, Vincentian Medical Technologist.
Develop the right attitude, knowledge and skills in the performance of clinical laboratory procedures to help the physician in the proper diagnosis, prevention, treatment and prognosis of diseases.
Demonstrate skills in critical and analytical thinking to advance knowledge in Medical Technology and clinical laboratory science utilizing highly innovative technologies.
Uphold ethico-moral values, social and legal responsibility in the practice of profession.
Develop leadership and management skills, promote competence, excellence and contribute to the challenges of the profession.
Recognize the importance of continuing education and research in personal and professional development.

The Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology is a four-year program that consists of general education and professional subjects.
For the first three years, Vincentian MedTech students develop their laboratory skills within the USI campus. They study the profession’s principles and theories in the classrooms and apply them in performing laboratory activities.
When they reach their fourth year, the students become Medical Technology Interns in an accredited training laboratory. With their accumulated knowledge, they will be working around various laboratory sections to learn new techniques and provide accurate laboratory results.
Here at USI, rest assured that when you graduate from this program, you will be more than ready to become a Vincentian Registered Medical Technologist!
Jan Ethan V. Lovendino, RMT, MSPH
Program Chairperson of Medical Technology-USI
Message from the Program Chairperson
BSMT Gallery

Blood Donation Drive 2023

HIV Seminar 2023


White Coat and Pinning